Environmental and Resource Economics

Environmental and Resource Economics


Prof. Dr. Martin Quaas

University of Leipzig and German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)

Prof. Dr. Katrin Rehdanz

Kiel University

About the Committee

The Standing Field Committee on Environmental & Resource Economics provides a congenial meeting ground for the leading academic researchers in the field in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland and German-speaking researchers elsewhere. We are proud to have past winners of the Erik-Kempe-Award, of ERC Grants, and many other prestigious academic accolades in our midst. Our members have been influential in shaping the field in Europe and internationally and have considerable policy impact.

The Committee was officially instituted in September 1993. Its first Chair was Rüdiger Pethig (University of Siegen). It emerged out of an informal working group on environmental and resource economics that first met in 1992 in Ladenburg, initiated by Klaus Conrad (University of Mannheim). Our first official meeting took place in April 1994 on the premises of the Carl-Benz-Haus in Ladenburg.

Annual highlights are the Annual Meeting and the Junior Researcher Workshop.

Statute of the Committee
Verein für Socialpolitik

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